About Page Graphics

Best Printing Services in Cumming, GA

Approximately 1995, my grandmother, Mary Page, suffered a massive heart attack resulting in open heart surgery. James Page (Jim) knew that he could not run his business, “A Print Shop”, and provide the needed support to his wife, so he sold “A Print Shop” to Jimmy Wilkins to take care of his wife.

Jimmy Wilkins changed the name from “A Print Shop” to “Wilco Printing”, a spinoff of his last name, Wilkins.

Jimmy Wilkins kept Jim Page on staff as his printer. After Mary fully recovered, Jim Page approached Jimmy Wilkins about buying the company back. An agreement was reached, and Jim Page reclaimed the printing company now named Wilco Printing.

Jim Page worked 12–16-hour days (sometimes longer) to make the company successful daily. He built a strong reputation within the small community it was in. Wilco Printing was thriving!

The New Year of 2021. Covid was devastating families everywhere, ours included. We lost Mary to Covid on January 3rd, 2021 and 10 short days later, we lost Jim to Covid on January 13th, 2021. They were married for 46 years and loved each other with everything they had. They were never supposed to be separated.

Four years prior to Jim and Mary’s death, Jim had been grooming his granddaughter, Nina, to take over the business when he was ready to retire. Jim made Nina promise to finish her college degree so she would be able to successfully keep Wilco Printing around. Nina became the new business owner after Jim and Mary’s death and has not looked back.

Nina had grown up around the print shop her whole life. She remembers playing in the dark room, watching Jim develop films and prints. This was nothing compared to what Jim taught her throughout the last four years.

Jim taught Nina his ‘art’ of printing and it shows daily if you were to go in there and watch her work.

When Jim Page took ownership of Wilco, the company kept the name ‘Page Graphics Inc. dba. Wilco Printing’.

Starting January 1, 2022, we dropped the “Wilco Printing” and will be known as “Page Graphics Inc.” We are continuing the same products, same great service, even the same logo colors. We wanted to honor the couple that made everything possible. Jim and Mary Page.

Let us get to printing some ‘Pages’.


Business Cards
Folded Biz Cards
Biz Card Magnets
CD Packages
Club Flyers
Collectors Cards
Door Hangers
DVD Packages
Event Tickets
Greeting Cards
Hang Tags
Folded Hang Tags

Services Cont

Blank Letterheads
Mini Menus
Postcard Magnets
Rack Cards
Rip Cards
Roll Labels
Rolodex Cards
Special Shapes
Staggered Flyers
Table Tents


201 Kelly Mill Rd
Cumming, GA 30040

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